What to expect during your first visit...
​On your first visit you will be greeted by our lovely office manager, Melissa. She will assist you in creating your healthcare record. ​
There will be some paperwork to fill out your first time in. Paperwork usually takes around 10-15 minutes to complete and is done electronically. You're welcome to give us a call and we'll email your forms to you so that you can fill them out prior to coming in.
Once your paperwork is completed, you will see Dr. Stan to begin your consultation. During this conversation feel free to share any health concerns you are currently experiencing as well as any history that may be relevant.
After your consultation, Dr. Stan will do an exam based on what information you shared.
As long as the exam doesn't find any RED FLAGS (serious health concerns) Dr. Stan will then walk you through an adjustment.*
The adjustment process will be catered to your comfort level. Some people only like gentle adjustments or treatment rendered with either an instrument or a drop table; while others prefer a more hands on approach. Dr. Stan will work with you to find what works best.
At the end of your first visit Dr. Stan will give you a prescription of care that includes how often you should come for care, self care to do at home. He may also recommend additional soft tissue care on a future visit, but this is on a case by case basis.*
After treatment you will follow up with Melissa to take care of your payment and she will leave you with some information about our office.
*Should any serious concerns arise during your exam, Dr. Stan may need to refer out for x-rays or other imaging to determine if chiropractic care is right for you.
*Align Chiropractic offers both dry needling and myofascial release services. These are typically not rendered on the first visit unless agreed upon by both the patient and the chiropractor.